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Showing posts from February, 2017

What's new in Jan 2017 - A smarter cloudtrac in the New Year !

Field operations, at times feel like a hydra-headed monster with countless tentacles on the field. Field managers and coordinators are your sergeants manning the field while your field workers service the business. Having an effective interface between these two important facets of customer experience is probably key to any initiative run by field service organisations.    A flexible, easy-to-use system not only creates a well connected team, but, also derives efficiencies and better ROI. According to Aberdeen , only 68% of average users are satisfied with the relevance of analytical capabilities to their job roles. Keeping this in mind, we have been working to make Cloudtrac a bit more more smarter all of this month. Here is a brief on the changes you will start to see in your Cloudtrac account: Dashboard 2x General Availability : Actionable data is a cornerstone for success in field service automation. This is a reality with Dashboard 2.x . Cloudtrac la...